Trump thinks Orbán’s landslide victory was because of his endorsement!
Former US President Donald Trump gave a detailed interview to Washington Post during which he talked about PM Viktor Orbán’s victory. He said that after he had expressed his endorsement of the Hungarian prime minister, Orbán’s popularity began to skyrocket. As we reported before, Trump expressed his support to Orbán in a letter sent on the occasion of Hungary’s March 15 national holiday.
Trump to Orbán: “He is tough, smart, and loves his country”
Trump’s letter was published by Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó on his Facebook page. “Now with what’s going on with Russia and Ukraine, among many other things, the great and wonderful people of Hungary need the continued strong leadership of Prime Minister Viktor Orban more than ever.”
“He is tough, smart, and loves his country,”
Trump said. “In the upcoming Election next month he already has my Complete and Total Endorsement!” the former US president said.
According to, the former US president talked to Washington Post for 45 minutes in his latest interview. Trump kept repeating many of his previous claims during the interview, the Hungarian media outlet reported. Index added that many of these claims proved to be false later. He said he was sorry that he did not go to the Capitol when his followers invaded it. He added that Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, was personally responsible for the unstoppable violence.
Trump said it was a shame that neither Pelosi nor the mayor of Washington did anything. They were the leaders at the scene, he added. Trump admitted he hated to watch what happened. “I said something had to be done, and they could have done something. The secret service did not allow me to go. I could have arrived there in a minute,” Trump stated in his interview.
Orbán’s skyrocketing popularity because of Trump’s endorsement
Trump highlighted that he did not delete his calls and did not speak to anybody on throwaway phones. Meanwhile, authorities state that there is a significant gap in the call lists of the White House from that day. However, destroying a SIM card makes tracking its calls impossible for the authorities. Therefore, people usually use throwaway phones, provided they want to keep some calls secret.
- Read also: Trump states support for Orbán in letter
Trump said he had a perfect memory. He recalled phone calls with Republican party leader Kevin McCarthy and Ohio Republican congressman Jim Jordan. However, Trump did not remember anybody else claiming that he probably did not receive too many calls. There was no secret at all, and it would have changed nothing if members of Congress called him, he added. Without mentioning anything concrete, Trump said that there were millions of unlawful ballots, and there is a group that will reveal them soon. He also talked about new evidence in the issue.
Later, he talked about his international activities. He said earlier this week that PM Viktor Orbán called him and thanked him for his support. Trump said Orbán had attributed his victory to the former US president’s support and endorsement.
“After I showed my support, his popularity started to skyrocket,’
he said. Trump said world leaders call him because they like him very much. These leaders need support, and he is the “king of supports,” Trump claimed.
Source:, DNH
Trump is deluding himself, That egotistical traitor needs to go sit down and shut up. Hungarians re elected Orban and Fidesz because they do what the majority of Hungarians want them to do. That plus they are not Soro’slap dogs like the failed candidates from the sausage coalition.
Only two words to describe that orange faced thing. Deluded and a narcissist.
If the Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban – continues to be GULLIBLE – to this “Infamous” individual – who continues to display – his self belief, that his ideas & philosophy of what DEMOCRACY is missing according to his CREED, – is what the world is FAILING to understand & Embrace.
Victor Orban – his “creed” likened to Trump – has placed – the Future of Hungary – into a Perilous position.
Victor Orban has place over the past (4) four years Hungary in a position – that has been GLOBALLY under a Massive microscope.
Citizens of Hungary and the World continue to witness the immense pressure being bought to bear on Hungary – through association and relationships with FAILED individuals like Donald. J.Trump.
Hungary – an economy that is in Deepening Serious Trouble.
Hungary through Victor Orban and his Fidesz/Government are in a WEDGED position, through the closeness of relationships with Russia & China.
The European Union and American sanctions IMPOSED rightfully on Russia – Hungary under Victor Orban sits in a position, that he can’t CONVINCE the brains trust of the world, what side he, and that he has placed Hungary on.
The citizens of Hungary – who voted to return Fidesz/Victor Orban to office, must take FULL ownership and responsibility – for the economic vulnerability of Hungary, that will see deeper & darker times in the immediate and long term future.
Hungary – we are going to pay a deeping price through the direction – that Fidesz/Victor Orban – are taking us.
All Russian agents, Trump and Orbán. The Kremlin was the first to congratulate.